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Turning my Pain into my Passion, My Test into a Testimony.

Brittani Alix


I have always had a passion for talking and sharing my stories with others. Ever since I was younger, I was always the “Mother Figure” to all of my closest friends. Everyone, to this day, comes to me for advice and venting. I also love the fact that several people often tell me how much I inspire them to continue to strive for their dreams and goals. But, trust me it has not been easy for me, hell, it STILL ISN’T!

I started blogging when I was twenty years old, I talked about celebrity drama and music that I loved at the time, and other random things that were ridiculously irrelevant but I really thought I was doing something important, lol. I recently looked at my old blog and wanted to delete all of the blog posts I had but, decided to keep them and to start a new blog. My old blog showed my innocence before I actually “grew up” and I want to keep it as memories to myself. I will never share this with the real world though because they are truly embarrassing lol. So here I am, starting over, but I am all for new beginnings.

Over the years, I have gotten so busy with other things, the most important is this thing called LIFE. Now that I have graduated, I have so much time on my hands, before I start graduate school (hopefully Fall 2017). Through the conversations I have had with friends, family, and associates, I feel the need to express myself in a way that will help others. There is not a day that goes by that I do not get encouraging words, or someone telling me I inspire them. It is crazy to hear that still but motivating, because I have truly been through so much in my twenty-seven years of living. We all have, but my goal and purpose are to continue to motivate others around me. Not everyone has the ambition and motivation I do, and I want to push that amongst everyone, especially women, especially my daughter! No matter your struggle, no matter the pain, no matter the losses, no matter the continuous test, no matter the trials and tribulations, you should always turn your test into a testimony, and your pain into your passion. Turning my pain into my passion is me specifically using what I have been through and allowing it to motivate me to be stronger and keep pushing. Never using any struggles or downfalls as an excuse but as a motivation. The pain I endured and the struggles I faced allows me to express myself, and encourage others to keep pushing no matter what the struggle is. I am such an open book, filled with so many ideas and thoughts, I am excited about this, I hope you all are too! All blog post may represent past or present situations/emotions, Please feel free to share, comment, or offer any suggestions/topics to discuss. I plan to improve and progress as this grows.



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