I know this post is a little late, two months late, but life has been busy!
On April 6th, I hosted my Second Annual Goal Diggers Brunch. This event was extremely special to me because I was able to have yet another successful event and brunch. My first event ever was my Goal Diggers Brunch on June 2018 and since then I have launched almost 10 events. I am so proud to finally do what I love and not allow anything or anyone to stop me. This is why I have coined the term “Goal Diggers Events,” for all of my events.
This event was extremely special to me, not because it was another event I had, but because of how I was able to actually interact with the guest and share my story. It was my first time openly discussing my disappointment of not being able to graduate this past May. I also discuss more this in my blog, “Get Well Soon.” My goal for each event is to educate, empower and inspire, but after sharing my story and disappointment, several guests gave me words of encouragement and expressed how I had helped them through situations they had been faced with. This reassured me that I was walking in my purpose. This reassured me that I was not in this alone. This reassured me that I was doing exactly what I needed and wanted to do, and that is bringing women together to empower, encourage and lift each other up.
Honestly, prior to this event and prior to finding out I would not be graduating, I planned every detail with excitement. As I do for each event. But, once I found out I would not be graduating and the stress behind the situation (Again, you can read more about my journey here), all planning took a backseat. Once the date of the event got closer and I realized everything was paid for, vendors reserved their spaces, guest bought tickets, food was ordered, I knew I could not cancel and had to move forward with fully executing it. And I did just that. No matter what I am going through, I always try to put my best foot forward. With the help of friends and family, I was able to pull the event off. It was such an amazing experience because everyone was so supportive and encouraging. Thank you all for making this such an event to remember.
